Community Health Programs
If you are interested in more information about Central Maryland AHEC’s community health programs and trainings, please email or call 443-717-2359.

Social Determinants of Health Assessments, Resources, and Referrals
CMAHEC Community Health Workers conduct Social Determinants of Health Assessments, information, referrals, and service navigations for community members.

Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
CMAHEC certified health educators conduct chronic disease self management workshops.

Dementia LiveĀ®
CMAHEC provides small-group presentations of Dementia LiveĀ®, a program that simulates what life might be like for individuals living with cognitive impairment, such as Dementia.

Hypertension Self-Management
CMAHEC partners with the American Health Association to conduct hypertension self-management and blood pressure self-monitoring workshops.
Access the self-guided health lessons here:
A Teachable Moment: Stroke Awareness

Program to Encourage Active and Rewarding Lives (PEARLs)
CMAHEC certified health educators conduct depression screening.
CMAHEC is a certified Opioid Response Program (ORP) with the Maryland Department of Health. As an ORP, CMAHEC provides opioid overdose response training and distributes Naloxone to community members.

School Partnerships
CMAHEC partners with schools in Central Maryland to provide mentorship and information about careers in healthcare. Partnerships include Benjamin Franklin High School, Vivien T. Thomas Medical Arts Academy, and Franklin Square Middle School.

CPR Training
CMAHEC CPR trainers conduct CPR community demonstration as wells as certification and re-certification courses
CMAHEC health professionals, health professions students and community health workers conduct social determinants of health assessments, health screenings, and consultations in community settings to improve health outcomes and equity.
CMAHEC partners with Notre Dame University of Maryland and Adullum Healthcare Center to provide Association Of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES) accredited diabetes self-management training and support workshops.